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  1. Virtual Annual Election Meeting

    Event Starts: June 25, 2024

    6:00 pm

    Virtual Microsoft Teams Meeting
    Meeting ID 275696851440 Passcode FV2YZp
    Call-in Option (Audio Only)
    Dial In Number 323-433-2148 Conference ID 948543547

    As the Managing Agent for Lakeshore Terrace Townhome Owners Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that the Annual Election Meeting of the Members has been scheduled for Tuesday, June 25th 2024 at 6:00PM. The purpose of this meeting is to elect 3 Class A Member to the Board of Directors, and to conduct normal business of the Association.

    Click here to cast your Ballot online now!

    Enclosed in this packet you will find the Draft Agenda, Proxy, Ballot, and Candidacy Statement. It is important that you return your proxy, even if you plan on attending as unforeseen circumstances may occur, which prevent you from being able to attend. The Annual Election Meeting of the Members cannot be held unless quorum requirements are met, either in person or by proxy. If the quorum is not met, the meeting will have to be reconvened and rescheduled to a new date and time which could result in the Association incurring more costs.

    Click here to complete your Proxy online!

    Tuesday, June 25th 2024 at 6:00PM

    We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, June 25th 2024 at 6:00PM. To view this notice and its enclosures on the Association website, go to https://lakeshoreterracetoa.com under the “meetings” tab. If you have any questions about this notice or its enclosures, please submit an inquiry via the “Contact Us” tab on the Association website and an Essex Association Management representative will respond promptly.

    Click here to download and read the Lakeshore Terrace Townhome Owners Association Inc. Notice Virtual Annual Election Meeting 6.25.24

    Click here to download and read the Lakeshore Terrace Townhome Owners Association Inc. Draft Agenda Virtual Annual Election Meeting 6.25.24

    Click here to download and complete the paper version of the Lakeshore Terrace Proxy Annual Election Meeting 6.25.24

    Click here to download and complete the paper version of Lakeshore Terrace Ballot Annual Election Meeting 6.25.24

    Click here to download and read the Candidacy Statement Form - Lakeshore Terrace - Ann Elec Mtg- 5.25.24

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  2. Virtual Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: November 28, 2023


    Microsoft Teams Meeting
    Click here to join the meeting
    Meeting ID: 277 316 454 862
    Passcode: LF5HoQ
    Or call in Audio: 1(323)-433-2148
    Phone Conference ID: 132 791 575#

    As the Managing Agent for the Lakeshore Terrace Townhome Owners Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that the Virtual Board of Directors Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 28th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Virtual meetings are open sessions for listening and/or viewing only. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss normal business of the Association and Review and approve the Proposed 2024 Budget.

    Please take a moment to review the draft agenda posted to the Association’s website at www.lakeshoreterracetoa.com. Should you have any questions regarding the draft agenda or the upcoming virtual Board of Directors Meeting, please contact Essex Association Management, L.P. via the web submission tool located under the “Contact Us” tab on the Association’s website and an Essex Association Management representative will respond promptly.

    Click here to download and read the Notice Lakeshore Terrace BOD Mtg 11.28.23

    Click here to download and read the Agenda Lakeshore Terrace BOD Mtg 11.28.23

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  3. Annual Meeting of the Members

    Event Starts: March 15, 2023


    Join Zoom Meeting:
    Meeting ID: 991-4353-4299

    As the Managing Agent for Lakeshore Terrace Townhome Owners Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that the virtual Annual Meeting of the Members has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 15th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss normal business of the Association and to present information on current Association affairs.

    Enclosed in this packet you will find the Draft Agenda and Proxy. Please Note: Even if you plan on attending, it is important that you return your proxy, as unforeseen circumstances may occur which prevent you from being able to attend. The Annual Meeting of the Members cannot be held unless quorum requirements are met, either in person or by proxy. If a meeting must be reconvened at a later date, the Association will incur additional costs for mailing a new Notice of Meeting. You may assign your proxy to a Member of the Board, or to a neighbor of your choice who will be in attendance.

    You may dial in early or at any time during the meeting. We look forward to you joining us on Wednesday, March 15th, 2023. Proxies may also be returned by mail or e-mail however, any form returned after 12:00 p.m. the day of the meeting may not be counted on time. For any questions, please contact us via the “Contact Us” tab on the Association’s website.

    Click here to download and read the Notice Lakeshore Terrace Annual Mtg 3.15.23

    Click here to download and read the Agenda Lakeshore Terrace Annual Mtg of Membership 3.15.23

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  4. Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: March 08, 2023


    Join Zoom Meeting:
    Meeting ID: 989 2935 7758

    As the Managing Agent for the Lakeshore Terrace Townhome Owners Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that the Virtual Board of Directors Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 8th, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. Virtual meetings are open sessions for listening and/or viewing only. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss normal business of the Association and to present information on current Association affairs.

    Please take a moment to review the draft agenda posted to the Association’s website at www.lakeshoreterracetoa.com. Should you have any questions regarding the draft agenda or the upcoming virtual Board of Directors Meeting, please contact Essex Association Management, L.P. via the web submission tool located under the “Contact Us” tab on the Association’s website and an Essex Association Management representative will respond promptly.

    Click here to download and read the Notice Lakeshore Terrace BOD Mtg 3.8.23

    Click here to download and read the Agenda Lakeshore Terrace BOD Mtg 3.8.23

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  5. Christmas on the River Walk

    Event Starts: December 04, 2022

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  6. Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: November 03, 2022


    Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82945270613?pwd=cXY5RkVieTE4WlNvYlBURmpyWVlPZz09

    Meeting ID: 829 4527 0613
    Passcode: 177637

    As the Managing Agent for the Lakeshore Terrace Townhome Owners Association, Inc., we are pleased to announce that the Virtual Board of Directors Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, November 3rd, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. Virtual meetings are open sessions for listening and/or viewing only. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss normal business of the Association as well review and approval of the 2023 budget.

    Please take a moment to review the draft agenda posted to the Association’s website at www.lakeshoreterracetoa.com. Should you have any questions regarding the draft agenda or the upcoming Board of Directors Meeting, please contact Essex Association Management, L.P. via the web submission tool located under the “Contact Us” tab on the Association’s website and an Essex Association Management representative will respond promptly.

    Click here to download and read the Notice Lakeshore Terrace BOD Mtg 11.03.22

    Click here to download and read the Agenda Lakeshore Terrace BOD Mtg 11.03.22

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  7. Stompin' Stigma

    Event Starts: October 15, 2022

    More information
  8. 5th Annual Rhythms at the Riverwalk

    Event Starts: September 17, 2022

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  9. MuniCap PID Training

    Event Starts: August 17, 2022

    MuniCap, Inc., the administrator for the Riverwalk Public Improvement District, will be hosting a PID training to assist homeowners on understanding how the PID operates as well as emphasize their responsibility to properly disclose the PID information to prospective buyers in all sales transactions. In this training we will discuss the following:

      • PID overview
      • PID Assessments / Payment Options
      • PID Disclosures
      • House Bill 1543

    The training will be held on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, at 6:30 PM, via Microsoft Teams. The call information is below.

    Microsoft Teams meeting
    Join on your computer or mobile app
    Click here to join the meeting
    Or join by entering a meeting ID
    Meeting ID: 220 942 280 452
    Passcode: dctjZP

    If you have any questions, please contact Alexus Montalvo at: Alexus.Montalvo@municap.com

    More information
  10. Board of Directors Meeting

    Event Starts: July 12, 2022


    Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82274134335
    Meeting ID: 822 7413 4335

    The Lakeshore Terrace Townhome Owners Association, Inc. will be holding a Virtual Board of Directors Meeting on Tuesday, July 12th, 2022 at 6:00 pm. Please visit the Association’s website at www.lakeshoreterracetoa.com for more information and to view the draft agenda. Should you have any questions regarding the upcoming meeting please contact Essex Association Management, L.P. via the web submission tool located under the “Contact Us” tab and an Essex Association Management representative will respond promptly.

    Click here to download and read the Lakeshore Terrace- BOD Notice - 7.12.22

    Click here to download and read the Lakeshore Terrace - BOD Draft Agenda - 7.12.22

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